Learn Why Charging Interest On Past-Due Balances is a Good Idea in the Cannabis Industry
In an ideal business operation, accounts receivable are not a worry. Federal restrictions governing the cannabis market, however, prevent many businesses from managing their businesses in the most efficient manner. Cannabis businesses are compelled by this difficulty to put in place innovative protections to guarantee a positive cashflow.
Why Do Creditors Charge Customers Interest On Past Dues While Collecting Money in the Cannabis Industry?
Due to challenging market conditions, payment overdue and timely payments are becoming more frequent in the cannabis industry. As a result, many businesses struggle to collect past-due money and unpaid/overdue invoices and remain profitable.
Why Do Cannabis Companies Need a Personal Guarantee?
In any business venture, especially in the fiercely competitive cannabis industry, it's too easy to get into a tight financial situation that strains the cash flow of the company. A major problem is when cannabis companies extend credit terms to their customers, without proper credit checks or guarantees against the credit given. What is a personal guarantee? Why do you need a personal guarantee when making a deal on trade credit in the USA within the cannabis industry?
Why Do Cannabis Companies Look for a Cannabis Collection Agency?
When companies begin the collection process immediately, the account receivable is more likely to become an asset. Confronting debtors early leads to higher conversion rates. If you can collect quickly, the benefits are plentiful. At the end of the day, it is up to companies to decide whether accounts receivable will become assets or liabilities on the balance sheet.
Time is Money - Collect Your Cannabis Debt Quickly
Some businesses, such as those in the cannabis industry, are particularly susceptible to debt problems, given that the federal government has not legalized cannabis. This situation makes the cannabis trade somewhat cumbersome for suppliers, dispensaries, and customers. In the cannabis industry, reliable, speedy debt collections are a key factor for suppliers and producers that want to remain competitive in an increasingly crowded market with shrinking margins.
Why use a Collection Agency versus an hourly attorney to collect money.
If your company is owed money, you may be considering hiring a lawyer, and while lawyers are effective, they are paid hourly, making them an extremely expensive option. Along with their sky-high rates, they also give companies no guarantees, meaning if they aren't successful in their collection efforts, they still need to be paid. Cannabis collection agencies vary, but the quality agencies will offer litigation help, while also offering a contingency fee.
How to collect your money without disrupting relationships.
We are owed $50,000 by one of the largest retailers in the state, but we don’t want to ruin our relationship with them!” As collection experts, we are approached constantly with similar examples of clients worried to collect the cash they are yet to be paid. As our founders worked in the cannabis industry themselves, CannaBIZ Collects was formed to act as a responsible & respectful liaison to recoup outstanding A/R balances for their clients
Collection issues in the cannabis industry.
With new cannabis investors and entrepreneurs rushing to be a part of today’s “Green Rush”, it is not surprising that collections and accounts receivable management may be pushed to the background. Many canna-businesses today either do not have the personnel, systems, or business knowledge to properly manage their outstanding accounts receivables and payables.
A cannabis entrepreneur’s dilemma
The cannabis business isn't an easy one. On top of massive capital outlay used for building initial infrastructure, a cannabis business operator must also navigate a maze of difficult and confusing bureaucratic red tape.
Client relations vs. Collections in the cannabis industry.
The cannabis industry is growing. However, with adult use being first legalized in Colorado 4 years ago, the industry is still in its infancy. Like all other businesses, reputation is extremely important and canna-businesses must create brand awareness, create valuable relationships, and scale operations to one day become a leader in their space.
What is causing your invoice problems?
Before you send the first invoice, the work you do can prevent accounts from ever becoming delinquent in the first place. Past due invoices happen for all kinds of reasons. At CannaBIZ Collects, we’ve pretty much heard them all. Over many years in the collections business, we’ve found that past due invoices can sometimes be prevented altogether with a few simple fixes.
How to get a signed guarantee from an owner or CEO
A financial risk every cannabis business faces when selling on credit is non-payment. When this happens, it hurts your cash flow and leads to financial issues.
One way to help control this financial risk is to have the company’s owner sign a personal guarantee making them personally liable for the debt.